Thursday, December 28, 2017



I have learned to recognise this feeling, and it no longer scares me anymore. Just a minor nuisance, and all I have to do is to not pay any attention to it, continue doing whatever I am doing, and eventually it will go away.

My mum,

The strongest woman I have ever know. Despite her many many flaws (because who doesn't have them) she is still so wonderfully strong. Her depth of positivity is amazing. The procedures she had undergo the pain and aches she suffers everyday the attitude from dad she has to put up with... And yet still being so loving and kind and patient towards her children, putting up with all these 'nuisance' from me. I love her so much.

Learn to listen to your inner voice, stop seeking for advice. Your body knows best, you know best. Life is full of unknown and it can be scary but yet it can be exciting as well. There's always two sides of the coin, it's where you choose to look at that matters.

And I am glad I met you.

Just a random thought, maybe I can write a true raw account of how I overcome this.

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