Thursday, December 07, 2017


When even the simplest of tasks became a challenge you have to face each day, and even going to class requires great courage, your daily life has become an obstacle course. And it's interesting, and very rewarding at the same time when by the end of the day, you're tucked in all warm and snuggly in bed and you think to yourself, thank you for going through the day, thank you for being strong, you are one step better towards a better you. (before the sleep anxiety kicks in that is, but let's not go into there now). Daily living has become a survival skill, and at the back of my mind, I can't help but to wonder can I do more? I used to do so much more than this.

Drawing bounderies, recognising self-worth. Depends on where you stand it can be seen as self-love or selfish. 'If you love yourself you wouldn't want to let yourself continue feeling this way.' True.

Just because I can't do this doesn't mean I am worse than the other. I can, just I don't want to. And I can do other stuff instead - eg letting go and self love. I am brave. I am braver and stronger than I think I am.

This may seem like reassurance. But it's true.

I am no longer defined by my achievements, positions nor title. I am no longer defined by people's perspectives on me or how much they like me. I am defined by the things I enjoy doing. I am defined by all the tiny little things that makes me, me. And all those little things are so beautiful.

From me to me,
I see the road begin to climb
I see your stars begin to shine
I see your colours and I'm dying of thirst
All I know
Is that I love you so
So much that it hurts

From me to me, I love you.

Laughter is the best medicine. Everyone has got their own story. Nobody is better than the other. What we need in this world is a little bit more love. Enjoy the little things in life. Be grateful to be alive. Things so common we hear on a daily basis means so different to me now.

How would it be like when you truly, intimately love yourself? You feel, whole.

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