Wednesday, November 28, 2012


人是十分丑陋的动物。当你忙着安慰人家时,你心里正暗爽着幸好这不是我。当你做一些较为特出些的东西时你忙着向人炫耀。你会假装不经意, 假装没什么大不了,但你会等着听到别人的赞美,等着觉得自己很特别。真的吗?是啊,你拿别人没拿的试卷,你比别人多考一科。当别人在忙着庆祝自由时你会装模做样,好像很可怜那样一直重复着你还须考一科,不,你会说唉你还不能庆祝,等着别人问你为什么,然后同情你,等着他们虚伪的加油。这样你都开心?你告诉完了全世界可谁会记得你?你考完试后忙着拍书桌的照片,忙着大声地宣布着你下一刻会做什么。甚至连考着试时,忙着说怎么办啊,还没读完,或者数着还有多少科还没读。当你在休息或玩游戏时,就不忘了向大家炫耀瞧自己根本都没读书,而且这还是大考呢!你会拼命地说很惭愧,觉得自己整天什么也没做。呵,你可不忘了告诉全世界。别人问起你时会你会哎哟,什么也没读啊,好紧张啊。考到好成绩时可不见得你这样做。当别人跟你做一模一样的东西时,你会说,骗人的,你一定是在拼命读书,我才是真正最轻松自在的人。嗯等下,我必须通知所有人才好。到头来,还是一句话,可由谁在乎你呢? 我只知道我过着自己的生活,可无暇通知所有人,更无暇理你的呢。

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


SPM is nearing and is messing with my emotions, I can tell. I just snapped at people even though they didn't technically did anything wrong - and feel terribly guilty afterwards. I get annoyed easily - or is it I'm usually like that? I'm always feeling prickly round my body and can't settle down doing anything. I keep thinking about stuff, and sad stuff too. I keep telling myself to calm down but to no avail. In the end, I just kept wasting time while mourning about life.

Sounded so depressed. I stare at myself in the mirror and wonder why can't I be pretty. I look at my pictures and sigh at my less-than-good looks. I feel so out of place in this world full of pretty people. I feel frustrated knowing I can't change how I look, which means I can't turn into a beauty. I know beauty is only skin deep but how I wish that someone would praise me, for once. Say that I'm beautiful, make me feel beautiful. I avoid staring myself at the mirror and only give it a necessary glance, once in a while. I dislike taking pictures and even flinch at them, sometimes. When would I ever turn heads in the street ? When would people automatically talk to me because they think I'm pretty? I don't want to be a conventional beauty, but I would like to be beautiful. Let's face it, who doesn't? But life's always unfair. So many people seem to be blessed with good looks, or gain them as they hit puberty but not me. Nobody would pair the word pretty or gorgeous with me. Nobody would glance at me twice on a street. No random stranger would want to take a picture with me or even try to chat me up. I know I should be grateful that at least I'm living without any disabilities but.... Why do people has to be so greedy?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dusk or Dawn?

Dawn. Definitely. Woke up early today and went for a morning jog and I must say, mornings are beautiful. With the slightly misty air and morning dew clinging to the leaves, it was a fresh breath of air. Okay, I might not be making any sense now, but what I'm trying to say is, I prefer mornings to evenings.

In the morning, the sky's blue. A clear, lovely shade of brilliant blue and the clouds are fluffy. And the best thing about it is you can look up at the sky as long as you want to without feeling the glare of the sunlight. Because at that time, the sun has not fully awaken yet and it's all soft and mellowly. Just enough to light up the sky but not yet enough to scald you. There's no need to squint and you can just relax while your skin absorbs its Vitamin D. There are no cars or motorcycles sprinting on the street so at least the air is not dusty, yet. The wind is cool and refreshing on your face and you just feel alive. Though I must say, it's a really really bad idea to go for a morning jog before having any food in your tummy cause I felt faint-ish afterwards, and ran less than I usually do.

Dusk usually signifies the day is ending. Although yes the sky's beautiful too, with lovely shades of purple and pink, but it lasts so short there's barely time to enjoy it. Plus, the sky soon turns dark and there's no longer any outdoor activity. Everyone retreats indoor to prepare for dinner and bed. On the other hand, dawn signifies a new day, a new beginning. It's full of hopes and possibilities and I just simply love it.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Those Songs

Nice songs are awesome. Especially those spine-tingling ones which touch your heart, deeply. And your whole soul seemed to be connected to those songs. It bleeds along with them. It feels for them. And you just couldn't stop hitting the replay button. Those songs, with emotions so true and raw, are my fav. They seemed to take your heart on an emotional journey which you have never embarked on before, revealing to you things you never knew. Or feelings you never explored. Sometimes, you wish the song would never end. You wish that you could reach out and give them a big fat hug, telling them that it will all be okay, everything will be fine.

Yeah sure, they are just songs, and those singers merely sing them. But sometimes you can't help but to wonder, if they can sing so well it penetrates deep into your heart, could it be they have experienced those same feelings before?

Songs can express feelings in a way words never could. It might be because of the combination of lyrics and music. It does wonders, surely.

Therefore, I just simply dislike current music, all so shallow and seemed to be all about dancing, clubs, drinking, girls and getting hit on. And very flirty, not to mention dirty. Where had all the deep, meaningful ones gone to?

Emotional songs. (Y)

Friday, May 18, 2012


Despite how much we are annoyed or frustrated at our siblings, when somebody gossip or talk bad about them, we would immediately jump to the defensive side.

I typed that statement out about a year ago and saved it as a draft. Strangely enough, I came across this tweet today and thought it was damn accurate. And later today I decided to log into my blog account which I haven't log in for a long time and saw this draft which I must say, matches very well! *stricken*

''#Virgo's are born protectors. If you pick on their family or friends be prepared for a hell.''


How exactly do you define that huh? Is there an official scale somewhere? I wish there are. Sometimes.

All I know is, when you look back to the time when you were younger, and remember those things you said, and feel that that was really really immature of you, well, then you are even more mature now than you are back then. Because to me, those people who think they are mature are the ones who are the most immature actually. You might think is your everyday action that counts. Oh, you don't watch cartoons? You don't play pretend? You don't play little children's game? Then you must be sooooo mature. NOT. Maturity is based on your mental capability. How you think, how you analyse a situation, how you react in certain cases or conflicts, how you interact with other people, how your brain functions basically. 

Looking back, I can't help but feel how childish I was back then.But I for one know that I am far from being mature. There are still so many little things in live which really irks me even though I know I am supposed to let it go. At least that's what a mature people supposed to do, I think.

Ah well, everybody's definition is different. This is such a metaphorical thing after all. Cheers, and may your brain continue growing wiser each day.