Friday, August 04, 2017

Self - Love

This is a tricky topic. But I still wanna try writing about it haha. Why tricky? Because it has been talked about too many times on too many different platforms, some people say it's overrated; the older generation thinks it's the younger generation's issue to deal with - when survival is no longer primitive, we purposely find other issues to confuse ourselves with. But that's a theory that I have heard of as well - the uncomfortable feeling we have when we push ourselves out of our comfort zone, it's the same uncomfortable feeling when the very first humans sense that there was danger around them. It makes them more alert to the surrounding and ready to fight off adversity. When we live in safer and more comfortable environment now, the feeling doesn't go away but transfer to more minute things instead.

But all in all, I think "self-love" is still something very personal, and like what I heard before from someone, it really depends on our own definition of it. What do we need right now? Self-love is after all not a destination but a journey. It's a conscious choice we make everyday. It's a practice, a behaviour, a habit. But it shouldn't be burdensome.

What does self-love means to me? Now, what I think I need most is actually more self compassion. Be as kind to myself as I do to other people. How?
1. By stop doubting my decisions (believe in myself)
2. By stop beating myself up when things don't go the way I planned (stop self-blaming basically)

A lot of times I had struggled with myself to be politically correct - but what if there is no right or wrong there just is? Promising myself to journal more is also a way for me to put things into perspective, and to be more authentic. I think I owe myself that.

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